GAZETTE - Rosebank College - [PDF Document] (2024)

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From the Principal VOLUME NO. 15 – 27 MAY, 2019

GAZETTE Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Rosebank,

In completing another extremely busy week I cannot help but reflect on the complexity, excitement and diversity of a Rosebank education. This is not only reflected in the broad and inclusive curriculum in which students are immersed daily, and which becomes most apparent as we move through the series of senior Learning Progress Meetings, but the myriad of other activities as highlighted by this week. Those included Mock Trials, Debating, the Instrumental Music Soiree, and the briefing session for our family hosts for our International students who arrive in July as part of the IBSSSEP program. The students who will embark on the Kokoda Track, those who will travel to Kakadu or the Philippines in October, as well as thestudents who will travel to Perth as part of the The Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) in December. This is on top of the planning process for a possible immersion experience to Chile in 2020 (part of our partnership with our Benedictine sisters and brothers of the Manquehue movement based in Santiago).

What does this wide and diverse program of opportunities attempt to provide? The immersion program is an extension of our international educational program which provides a focus on the beauty and complexity of the world’s people and cultures creating a sense of global citizenship and belonging. It goes beyond the ‘escape’ culture promoted by the travel industry to ‘being with, and understanding of’ through listening and sharing. It is a program that breaks the underlying deadening messages of ‘us and them’ and replaces it with a belief in and an experience of ‘we’. It undoubtedly looks for that which binds the human experience – our dreams, ideas and hopes. It creates unique moments of radical hospitality where the stranger is met as an opportunity for meeting God. It is part of the sacred work of ‘the school in the Lord’s Service’.

As such the Immersion program is an expression of our commitment to education for Wisdom. We see a humanity increasingly sceptical of institutions and rightly so. The ‘mission’ is beyond institutions. We now see a contemporary movement to a personal plural spirituality – a seeking of meaning through a variety of traditions. Sr. Joan Chittister OBS notes however, that we need more. ‘What is needed is a prophetic as well as a private spirituality’. What is to be prophetic?

Sr. Joan claims that we have divorced spiritual obligation from political policy and have retreated from engagement with a suffering world to a kind of pious indifference. Dianna Green in reviewing Sr Joan’s recent book explains ‘Her intent is to help each of us to reclaim the prophet inherent within, and in the process to say yes to life. As Jesus has promised: ‘I have come that you may have life and have it to the full’.

I had the privilege of studying in Boston under Walter Brueggemann one of the great Old Testament scripture scholars. In covering the Prophets he put

IBSSSEP information afternoon

Hospitality Dinner

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to rest the notion that they are clairvoyants or psychics. Rather they were ‘truth tellers’ not agitators, anarchists or traitors. The prophet is one who acts fearlessly and persistently for the sake of the world, the future and the Mission. This ancient tradition identifies the core postures we must adopt: awareness, audacity, authenticity, self-giving, patience, vision, faith and confidence. He would often paraphrase the various reluctant souls (the Prophets) called by God to speak the truth: They effectively were saying ‘if you persist in the way (whatever ailment was being referred to) you have chosen, therefore, so and so will happen’.

Sr. Joan sees this prophetic tradition continue into modernity through the voices of Rev. Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, St. Óscar Romero, Sr. Helen Prejean, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Rosa Parks, Archbishop Hélder Câmara We can all name many others. These are the great souls who were willing to risk, to not be bystanders, to persist, to not despair, to reject the false dichotomies often presented by the media and by politics in an increasingly adversarial world. Sr. Joan, in her own life, calls us to be the carriers of the prophetic tradition into the ‘morass of the contemporary world’. To be a prophet demands not only a vision, but the commitment and courage to fix a "muddled," visionless world.

Finally Sr. Joan warns that if one speaks prophetically one will not be loved. This way of life requires courage and stamina and so education in the faith must include an education in resilience. While we may not be able to remove all their challenges, we can help young women and men build resilience - the ability to overcome difficult experiences and be shaped positively by them. Dr Rangan Chatterjee, (The Stress Solution) writes that our brains respond to the information around us, so resilience can be taught, modelled and nurtured at any age. Her suggestions are:

Have one-on-one time with each child, without distractionsResilience comes from relationships; children need nurturing. It’s not a magical inner strength that helps kids through tough times; instead, it’s the reliable presence of one, supportive relationship, be it parent, teacher, relative or family friend. It’s quality, not quantity that counts.

Give sleep a chanceLack of good-quality sleep is a huge driver for stress: it has a negative effect on memory, concentration, cognitive function, and decision-making. One of the fastest ways to improve sleep is to limit screen time before bed.

Get out and exerciseAs well as keeping them physically fit, exercise will increase children’s resilience. It actually strengthens the brain. Regular physical activity teaches our stress-response system to recover more efficiently.

Teach delayed gratificationResilience means understanding you can’t always have what you want as soon as you want it. It’s an important concept to pass on in the age of Amazon Prime, Spotify, Netflix and Uber. Psychology teaches us that people who can accept delayed gratification lead happier, healthier lives. Without the ability to defer pleasure and reward, our kids are losing an important skill for their wellbeing.

Eat the alphabetNutrition has a significant impact on mental health. Good-quality food changes the composition of our gut bugs, which helps send calm signals to the brain. Poor-quality, highly processed food sends stress signals instead. A diverse diet, rich in fibre, will lead to greater diversity in our gut bugs, which in turn will help make us more resilient, and anxiety and depression less likely.

Model gratitudeInstead of pestering your children with questions such as, “How was school?” and, “What did you do today?”, teach them to reframe their day. Try this alternative approach: 1) What did someone do today to make you happy?2) What did you do to make someone else happy?3) What have you learned today?This simple exercise helps us all find the positive in every day. It teaches gratitude, nurtures optimism, and recognises kindness.

Rangan adds, it doesn’t matter what may have happened at work or school, or how stressed any of us may have felt when we sat down at the table; the whole mood seems to lift once we’ve played this game. I learn things about my kids that they’d probably never have thought to tell me otherwise. Try it. It might just become the highlight of your day.

An education in Wisdom is an education to both a personal and prophetic spirituality. The message of the Gospel and indeed of creation is that we are co-creators. As such Jesus has no hands but ours. How can we become truth tellers, to ‘turn on the light’ and assist in making the world a better place.

Tom GaleaPrincipal

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Dates for the Diary

Tuesday 28 May Year 12 LPM’s Monday 3 June Athletics Carnival

Tuesday 4 June P&F Term 2 Meeting

Wednesday 5 June Year 10 Drama Evening

Friday 7 June Open Day in Lieu

Wednesday 12 June Year 10 LPM”s

Friday 21 June Benedict Day

From The Assistant Principal

Students can now purchase items from the Uniform Shop using their student card. Funds need to be transferred onto student cards prior to any purchase made. Payments / Top - Ups can be made through our Parent Portal On-line payments system.

Mr Paul Hardwick Assistant Principal

You're Invited!

With NAPLAN behind us and a range of assessment, exam blocks and trials still ahead for all of our students, I would like to extend an invitation to all parents and friends of the College, to attend an important Parent Workshop, hosted by Elevate Education. Details of the workshop are as follows:

Parent Workshop - Elevate EducationDate: Tuesday, 4 June 2019Venue: Rosebank College SRSCTime: 7pm(This is a parent only event)

RSVP required (click on link):

We highly recommend that you join us on the evening, to be a part of an empowering conversation around supporting your children in every facet of their education journey. The workshop will enable you to feel more confident in imparting valuable and lifelong skills to your children across a range of topics including:

• Time Management: How parents can help their child manage their time effectively, so they can maintain a balanced routine, not leave tasks to the last minute, and avoid distractions.

• Study Support: What kind of work is most valuable in helping to achieve higher marks? Presenters will discuss what good study looks like so parents can help their children work smarter.

• Motivation: Sometimes, the most difficult part of studying in high school is simply being motivated enough to do the work. This seminar will help parents understand the key drivers behind student motivation, and how to leverage these to help their child reach their potential

"The schools that see the greatest behavioral change from their students are those that bring the parent community into the conversation. This workshop provides parents with strategies to get on the same page as their children so that the skills taught in class are reinforced at home." - Elevate Education

Parents who attend will also be provided with access to the Elevate Parent E-book to follow up and extend on the best ways to support their child through high school.

I hope to see you all there.


Any current families that have not submitted applications for 2022/2023 can you please forward by the 7th of June 2019.

For any enrolment enquiries for 2021, 2022, and 2023, please phone the Enrolment Registrar direct on 9713-3118.

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From the Dean of MinistryThe Wisdom of Australia’s First Peoples.This is Reconciliation Week. The theme in 2019 is Grounded in Truth – Walk together in Courage. Last week Australia voted in a Federal Election. Today the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, announced his intention to work with Australia’s First Peoples towards constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This refers to a move that has been many years in the making whereby our Constitution would be amended to include specific acknowledgement of our First Peoples. Such an amendment would require a referendum. In 2017 the First Nations National Constitutional Convention held at Uluru, issued The Uluru Statement from the Heart appealing to all Australians to walk together on the journey towards constitutional change to give Indigenous Australians a voice in the laws and policies that directly affect them. Rosebank proclaims its solidarity with our First Peoples, especially in the lived presence of our students of Aboriginal heritage and culture and our long-standing friendship with the community of Ltyentye Apurte (Santa Teresa) in the Northern Territory. I offer the text of the Statement for our prayerful reflection.

We, gathered at the 2017 National Constitutional Convention, coming from all points of the southern sky, make this statement from the heart: Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign Nations of the Australian continent and its adjacent islands, and possessed it under our own laws and customs.

This our ancestors did, according to the reckoning of our culture, from the Creation, according to the common law from ‘time immemorial’, and according to science more than 60,000 years ago.

This sovereignty is a spiritual notion: the ancestral tie between the land, or ‘mother nature’, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who were born therefrom, remain attached thereto, and must one day return thither to be united with our ancestors. This link is the basis of the ownership of the soil, or better, of sovereignty. It has never been ceded or extinguished, and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown.

How could it be otherwise? That peoples possessed a land for sixty millennia and this sacred link disappears from world history in merely the last two hundred years?

With substantive constitutional change and structural reform, we believe this ancient sovereignty can shine through as a fuller expression of Australia’s nationhood.

Proportionally, we are the most incarcerated people on the planet. We are not an innately criminal people. Our children are aliened from their families at unprecedented rates. This cannot be because we have no love for them. And our youth languish in detention in obscene numbers. They should be our hope for the future.

These dimensions of our crisis tell plainly the structural nature of our problem. This is the torment of our powerlessness.

We seek constitutional reforms to empower our people and take a rightful place in our own country. When we have power over our destiny our children will flourish. They will walk in two worlds and their culture will be a gift to their country.

We call for the establishment of a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution.Makarrata is the culmination of our agenda: the coming together after a struggle. It captures our aspirations for a fair and truthful relationship with the people of Australia and a better future for our children based on justice and self-determination.

We seek a Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of agreement-making between governments and First Nations and truth-telling about our history.

In 1967 we were counted, in 2017 we seek to be heard. We leave base camp and start our trek across this vast country. We invite you to walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future.

Dr Paul O’SheaDean of Ministry

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Meningococcal Vaccination for Year 10 Students Dear Parents/Guardians, The NSW Minister for Health has announced the start of a school-based meningococcal vaccination program targeting Year 10 students in Term 2 2019. The vaccination date scheduled for Rosebank College is Thursday 6 June 2019. Nurses will administer the vaccine during Home Room and through Periods 1 to 4. Your support in maintaing the heath and well-being of our students and the broader community is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact your local Public Health Unit on 1300 066 055.

Harry VomvellisAssistant Dean of Administration (Senior School)

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Archbishop’s Student Leadership LuncheonOn the 14th of May 2019, we represented Rosebank College at the Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP Student’s Leadership Luncheon at his home, Cathedral House. Together with other students from inner-west Catholic schools, we discussed and debated a plethora of prevalent social and political issues relating to the church and youth, with the Archbishop. We were also given the opportunity to express our ideas on how the Australian Catholic Church can adjust and develop their approach on appealing the relevance of the faith to the new generation of Australians. We sat at a table with students from Domremy College Five Dock, St Patrick’s Strathfield and Casimir College Marrickville. It was a great opportunity to meet like minded students and gain a deeper understanding of the different dynamics of faith each individual has. To begin the luncheon we were asked some icebreakers to get to know each other, then served lunch. Conversation then followed and we were each given the chance to contribute to conversation and voice our opinions on contemporary issues the church faces. As well as, listening to the opinions of others, addressing the different perspectives and background each had in the faith. Although, we had distinct ways of expressing our viewpoints, in the end we all came to a common consensus’. Topics of discussion on our table included the future of the church in terms of engaging youth more regularly and locally, how to not lose faith when faced with a tragedy, and expression of faith within our Catholic school communities, along with the diverse range of opinions on faith and beliefs within friend groups. Towards the completion of the afternoon each table was given the opportunity to ask a question of the Archbishop that he addressed to the whole room. The first question asked was about the current situation in the Middle East and persecution of Christians resulting in the rapid decline in the percentage of Christians left in their society. In addition to what we, the Australian Catholic Church, is doing to aid those caught in the warfare? The Archbishop responded with the history of the conflict and that the church helps in the ways of the Holy Land collections and much more. Our table asked about not losing faith when faced with tragedy. The Archbishop responded with a personal anecdote of when he suffered with Guillain-Barré Syndrome and the power of prayer. Another significant question asked by a student from St Joseph’s College Hunters Hills was in relation to the diminishing presence of brothers and nuns in Catholic Schools.

It was a very engaging and enjoyable afternoon, and we truly learnt a lot about faith and will cherish the friendships made with other like-minded students. I’m very grateful for the unique and eye-opening opportunity. A huge thank you to Mrs Gow for taking us to the event, our House Coordinators, Mr Galea and especially to the Archbishop for hosting us.

Rowan O’Callaghan and Sofia Mifsud Year 11

Our Year 11’s in the Catholic weekly

The above link is of the article that was writ-ten for the Catholic Weekly on the Archbishop Student Leadership Luncheon. They made a short video and took photos throughout the day.

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Alumni NewsTwenty One Rosebank alumnus attended our class reunion on Saturday 18 May at The Little Snail restaurant at Darling Harbour. Some came from interstate and internationally as far as Italy.

It was wonderful catching up and hearing about their lives since we were at school together, shar-ing stories and memories of our time at Rosebank College. Everyone is keen to have another reunion in five years.

Maree Pitt

New FurnitureThe SRSC are happy recipients of two new desks in our flexible seating area. Our students love to use this area for study and homework and this area is usually full to capacity in the breaks. They are a very welcome addition.

Current DisplaysAlpacas with MaracasMiss Lawrence has put together a wonderful display in the spirit of ALIA National Simultaneous Storytime 2019, which is an annual event held by the Australian Library and Information Association. It is a primary school initiative however, literacy is always a priority and focus.

Archeology WeekNational Archeology week was held between 19th May and 25th May 2019, National Archaeology Week aimed to increase public awareness of Australian archaeology and the work of Australian archaeologists both at home and abroad, and to promote the importance of protecting Australia’s unique archaeological heritage. To mark this special week, Miss Lawrence has curateda collection of books related to the topic.

Word of the weekFlimflam [flim-flam]verb noun1. A trick or deception, especially a swindle or confidence game involving skillful persuasion or clever manipulation of the victim.

2. To trick, deceive, swindle, or cheat: A fortuneteller flimflammed her out of her savings.

Mrs Connie RossSRSC Manager

Reshelved News

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Sports ReportRepresentative Sport Report: CBSA/SCC SCC Senior Soccer Report: Rosebank 7 defeated Punchbowl 0 Round four in the SCC Senior Soccer Competition saw Rosebank chasing their third successive win against Punchbowl. The Rosebank midfield of Vanessa Vlach, Aleisha Camporeale, Sascha Tesoriero and Gemma Lockhart quickly asserted their dominance by controlling a large amount of possession. However, the Rosebank girls struggled to capitalise on their high amount of possession and missed several chances. With the score locked at 0-0 at halftime, the girls were dominant in the second half as Vanessa Vlach (2), Ava Calabria (2), Ellie Jones (2) and Aleisha Camporeale (1) all scored goals on the way to a 7-0 victory. The defence at the back lead by Antoinette Lofaro and Bianca Quast was strong, while goalkeeper Abbey Krzanic kept a clean sheet. The girls now take on Mary MacKillop College in an important game if their quest to play semi finals. CBSA and SCC Results (Week 4)Comp Sport Opposition Score Player of match

SCC Junior Netball Punchbowl Won 17 - 7 Kate Strmecki

SCC Intermediate Netball Punchbowl Won 45 - 4 Chelsea Ashwood

SCC Senior Netball Punchbowl Won 21 - 6 Emily Fiori

SCC Senior Soccer Punchbowl Won 7 - 0 Vanessa Vlach

CBSA Junior Soccer Marrickville Won 4 - 1 Isaiah Le Bron

CBSA Intermediate Soccer Marrickville Won 4 - 0 Brendan Murphy

CBSA Senior Soccer Marrickville Won 2 - 0 David Parpaiola

CBSA Junior Rugby League Marrickville Defeated 12 - 40 Marcus Dolfo Weekend Sport Results

Competition Team Opposition Result Player of Match

FDLC Girls Futsal U13/14 Yellow Schols Purple Won 9-1 Livia Fryer

FDLC Girls Futsal U13/14 Green Schols White Defeated 2-0 Lorena Mifsud

FDLC Girls Futsal U13/14 Pink Schols Yellow Won 3-0 Whole Team

FDLC Girls Futsal U15/16 Blue BYE BYE BYE

FDLC Girls Futsal U15/16 Purple Schols Pink Won 9-1 Gemma Lockart

FDLC Girls Futsal U15/16 Orange Schols Orange Defeated 1-0 Analise Hondros

FDLC Girls Futsal U17/18 Silver RBC Red Won 4-0 Ava Calabria

FDLC Girls Futsal U17/18 Gold Schols Red Won 7-1 Whole Team

IWSNA Netball U13’s Firetails ANC Opals Defeated 18-21 Gabriella Latif

IWSNA Netball U13’s Parrots LWNC Black Diamonds

Defeated 11-20 Tina Hatzivasilious

IWSNA Netball U13’s Sparrows ANC Jades Defeated 3-4 Claudia Peterie

IWSNA Netball U13’s Cranes BYE

IWSNA Netball U14’s Darters LWNC White Angels Won 23-10 Grace Robertson

IWSNA Netball U14’s Falcons BUNC Rockets Defeated 13-18 Mikaela Calcagno

IWSNA Netball U14’s Swans ANC Spades Defeated 4-15 Whole Team

IWSNA Netball U15’s Kookaburras HNC Phoneix Defeated 23-25 Simona Bertuccio

IWSNA Netball U15’s Bluebirds RNC Raptors Won 20-2 Simona Caputi

IWSNA Netball U15’s Raptors RNC Bluebirds Defeated 2-20 Nicola Fotopoulos

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Mr Anthony Gray and Mrs Katherine Johnson Co-curricular Assistants

IWSNA Netball Cadet Finches FDAS Pearls Defeated 34-43 Sofia Vidotto

IWSNA Netball Cadet Hawkes JNC Comets Defeated 6-45 Whole team

IWSNA Netball Senior Lorikeets BWNC Nitro Won 32-25 Georgia Tutt

IWSNA Netball Senior Eagles HNC Hotshots Defeated 32-33 Mia Wheatley

P&F – NewsDear Parents/Guardians,

On behalf of the committee I would like to invite you to the Term Two Parent & Friends Association Meeting on Tuesday 4th of June at 7pm held in the SRSC. The meeting involves a presentation by Elevate Education on issues such as time management and study skills, as well as the regular meeting afterwards. A link is in Paul Hardwick’s piece. Similar to the last meeting, we will have an informal catch up prior to the presentation.

At the meeting we will be launching a fundraising committee – if this is something you are interested in please join in, or alternatively email me on [emailprotected].

I am also pleased to announce that this year we will be holding a Year 9 Parent Function in November. More details to follow.

Some dates for your diary:

4th June - P&F Meeting24th August - Trivia Night1st November - Year 9 Parent Function

I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday 4th of June.

Damian BridgeP&F President Year 8


IBSSSEP NewsIt was wonderful to meet a bunch of you at the recent Hosting Information Seminar.Due to unforeseen circ*mstances, I am searching for one more family to host a male Internation-al student. Please get in touch either by email [emailprotected] or call 9713 3188.Good bye Autumn, Hello chilly Winter.Enjoy your week!Ms. Lidia Barron IBSSSEP Coordinator

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Extended Day Program Study Group, Subject Specific Group Tutoring and Individualised Tutoring The Extended Day Program is an initiative of Rosebank College that operates after school five (5) days a week from the end of the school day to 6:00pm. The program offers a fun, interactive learning structure for all students from Year 7 to 12.

There are three different programs that are offered through the Extended Day Program:

• Extended Day Program Study Group• Subject Specific Group Tutoring• Individualised Tutoring

Extended Day Program Study GroupStudents have opportunities for academic assistance with study, assessments and homework for all subject areas. The Study Group cost is $30 per afternoon with a discount for multiple afternoons per week. The cost is inclusive of 3:15pm to 6:00pm. To enrol, please go to the Extended Day Program Booking Website (

During Term 2 the Extended Day Program will be offering a specific study group for

• Year 9 Mathematics, on Monday afternoon

Subject Specific Group Tutoring: 3:15pm - 4:15pmSmall Group Subject Specific Tutoring is a brilliant opportunity for students to revise each week. Tutors

facilitate the program in a supportive small group environment. These 1 hour sessions include 15 minutes of afternoon tea and 45 minutes of tutoring at a cost of $25 per session (if already participating in the Extended Day Program/Individualised Tutoring on that day, the additional cost is only $10).

During Term 2 the Extended Day Program will be offering Group Tutoring for:

• Year 7 Mathematics, Monday and Thursday afternoon

• Year 8 Mathematics, Monday afternoon• Year 12 English, Thursday afternoon• Year 12 Chemistry, Friday afternoon

To enrol, please go to the Extended Day Program Booking Website (

Individualised Tutoring Bookings are now open for Individualised Tutoring during Term 2. Individualised tutoring is a great opportunity for students to gain confidence in subjects they are struggling in and allows the tutors to tailor the program to individual learning needs. Individualised tutoring is offered in 45 minute time slots. Please contact the Extended Day Program Manager Danielle Puhlmann at [emailprotected] or call on 9713 3108 for further information.

P and F News







• Earn one point per dollar spent at The Athlete’s Foot• For every 300 points earnt, receive a $30 voucher• Receive invitations to special events and VIP sales


(02) 9715 2580

Support Rosebank College!

Get your new Entertainment Membership today.

With the 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership about to expire, now is the perfect time to buy the brand new 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Membership! You can enjoy thousands of valuable offers for everything you love to do, all while support-ing fundraising for Rosebank College.

Purchase your 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Membership!



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CareersOpen Days & Info Sessions

Notre Dame | Early Offer Student & Parent Info NightTuesday 2 July 2019 | Broadway Campus, Notre Dame Sydney Find out more and register

SCU – Mid Year Information Sessions Online session | Wednesday 5 & 19 June 2019 | 6pm – 7pmFind out more and to register Deakin : How to make your application stand out Wednesday 12 June 2019 | 5pm start | Online Get the best tips, advice and knowledge from our experts to help your application. Register

Information Session for Women Seeking a Career in Firefighting Find out more and registerFriday 31 May & Saturday 1 June | 8.30am – 11.00am & 12.00pm – 2.30pm | Fire and Rescue NSW Emergency Services AcademyFRNSW and Women and Firefighting Australasia (WAFA) are hosting Physical Aptitude Test (PAT) information days for women interested in becoming firefighters. Sessions are 2.5 hours in duration. NSW Police Recruitment Information Session Saturday 15 June | 9.00am – 12.00pm | NSW Police Headquarters. Find out more and register.

Western Sydney University Parent Information Night - 13th June. FInd out more and register Workshops & Courses

JMC School Holiday Workshops Sydney July School Holidays | JMC SydneyThese workshops are strictly for high school students in years 9 – 12. Book here

NIDA Holiday Workshops Sydney

– NIDA Kensington Sydney – Chatswood Sydney – Parramatta


NIDA Open Equity Scholarship now open Find out more Billy Blue Scholarships Submission deadline is 11.59pm AEDT on Monday 20 January 2020 for February 2020 intake. Find out more

Careers & Jobs

Australia’s highest-paying jobs: 2018 vs 2013 Seek compared salary across industries to show us where growth is strong. Check out the whole list here. The Ralph & Russo Couture Apprenticeship London based Apprenticeship opportunityCheck the eligibility criteria and application details here. Read the full article. Further Learning

How to nail the Multiple Mini Interview - Find out more Macquarie Entry Navigator - The ATAR is not the only way to get in to a course. Find out more about the Macquarie University Entry Program Navigator MACQUARIE LEADERS AND ACHIEVERS – The new early entry program Applications open June 3. Find out more.

Western Sydney University Bachelor of Music has an early offer pathway. To be eligible to receive an early offer into a music degree, students must book an audition in the early audition weeks. Find out more.

Western Sydney University

2020 course applications - The course listing for Western Sydney University 2020 admission will be available for selection in the Western portal and on UAC from early-August. For further information or questions do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 854 224


Lego Masters Season 2 Casting Call - Find out more and apply here –

UNICEF Voices of Youth - find out more at It’s never too late to start a brilliant career Here’s the link. 5 Tips On How To Study Smarter, Not Harder Finding ways to study more effectively could help you reduce the time you spend studying and get a better life balance going on.

Job Spotlight Visual Merchandiser

For further information on any of the above, please contact Mrs Angela Pavicic, phone 97133169, [emailprotected] or Mrs Jenine Smith, phone 97133105, [emailprotected]





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Rosebank Uniform Shop

New 2019 Opening Hours Mondays 8.00am - 12.50pm Tuesdays: 11.30am - 4.00pm Wednesdays: 11.30am - 4.00pm

Thursdays: 8.00am - 12.50pm

Homework Support

Homework Support is now available every Monday at lunchtime in Seminar Room 1

of the SRSC.The SRSC will still be open each afternoon for

individual study.

This is a drop-in service for ANY student who would like assistance with homework

and/or assessment tasks.

Students who attend receive a stamp in their diary so that parents and Coordinators can

acknowledge their commitment to achieving their best.

Diverse Learning Team

(M@L) Rosebank College Maths Teachers are available to help you during lunch every

week for the entire year. Maths @ Lunch is being held in

J202 on Wednesday and Friday of every week during Lunch - no booking required, just come in

whenever you need some extra support.

Extended Day Program


Phone: 02 9713 3108 Website:


Please note an appointment is required for fittingsDo you have a second-hand uniform which is clean (unstained), presentable and would be appreciated by another student? If so, please drop it off at the Uniform Shop at general reception during opening hours.

Lost property is now located in the Uniform Shop.

GAZETTE - Rosebank College - [PDF Document] (2024)


Is Rosebank open for 2024 applications? ›

Registration for IIE Rosebank College is open for the 2024 academic year! Visit any of our campuses for walk-in registration or applications if you still need to apply, and our staff will guide you. Embark on an exciting educational journey! #iierosebakcollege #registrationopen #2024registration.

Is Rosebank a public college? ›

Rosebank College is a brand of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) which is one of the leading private higher education institutions in the country registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training.

When should I start applying for college 2024? ›

Many schools have rolling admissions, which means you can start a program in a few weeks! Most applications opened August 1, 2023, for students applying for fall 2024 enrollment. College deadlines most often fall between November and February.

How much is the application fee at Rosebank? ›

Application Fees:

After that, it jumps to R300 up until February 29. International Students: Those needing a study visa will face a heftier R3500 application fee for contact learning or R300 for distance learning options.

Is Rosebank a accredited college? ›

Rosebank College, Varsity College and Vega are educational brands of The Independent Institute of Education (The IIE) which is the largest, most highly accredited private higher education institution in South Africa.

Is Rosebank a good place to live? ›

With its blend of natural beauty, vibrant attractions, and easy access to urban conveniences, it's no wonder that Rosebank has earned a reputation as one of Johannesburg's most sought-after neighbourhoods.

Which city does Rosebank fall under? ›

Rosebank is a cosmopolitan commercial and residential suburb to the north of central Johannesburg, South Africa. It is located in Region B of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, and is the location of a Gautrain station.

Is University of Cape Town open for 2024 applications? ›

When to apply. Applications opened on 2 April 2024. The closing date for applications for undergraduate study at UCT in 2025 is 31 July 2024. We will not consider applications received after this date.

Is North West University open for 2024 applications? ›

Application period for the 2024 academic year: 1 April 2023 - 30 June 2023. Owing to specific capacity constraints, the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study.

When should I apply for college 2025? ›

The college/university application cycle for Fall 2025 admission begins in August/September of 2024. The most competitive private universities have the earliest application deadline dates. Local community colleges have the latest application deadlines. Check the websites of each school you are interested in attending.

Which side of Johannesburg is Rosebank? ›

Rosebank is a cosmopolitan commercial and residential suburb to the north of central Johannesburg, South Africa. It is located in Region B of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, and is the location of a Gautrain station.


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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 5733

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.